Post Office Square - Jarves Street
By Kaethe O’Keefe Maguire
This building at 1 Jarves Street was created in 1866 during the post-Civil War building boom. This building remains, although the adjacent building on the corner of Main is no longer and now we have a patio garden of the Brown Jug in that space.
Some remember the building as Buttner's (below left), but many years earlier, the upstairs of the building was used as a meeting place for post Civil War veterans, and was named after Charles Chipman who died in the Civil War. It was called the Grand Army of the Republic, and after WWI it became the American Legion.
The upstairs was also used as a general meeting place for officials, and during parades which always took place between Town Hall Square and Post Office Square, VIP's would stand on the second floor deck and wave to on goers.
1 Jarves Street when it was Buttner's Store
1 Jarves Street today.
More Post Office Square images of years past.
Sandwich Brass band marching down Jarves Street at the railroad tracks, heading south towards Main Street and Post Office Square. The two buildings on the left still stand today. The buildings on the right (Church Street) no long exist.
The commercial building behind the RR Crossing, 1 Church Street, was owned by S.I. Morse and used as a coal shed & hay and grain storage according to the 1915 Sanborn Map.
The building on the left, 43 Jarves Street, was once the home of the Embroult family in the 1930's, according to the Barnstable Patriot. (Sisters Merilyn Myers & Thelma Burke (maiden names Embroult) lived there.
The same view as above today.
The top of Jarves Street at Post Office Square facing north. What is now the Village Inn is on the right.
This is the same view as above after a winter storm.